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Hooray!! Disaster’s been averted thanks to the new bargaining agreement between the Writers Guild of America & the AMPTP. Now Hollywood can now get back to focusing on producing content instead of assembling ‘alternate’ plans & stewing on projecting financial losses that would undeniably impact many segments of the economy unfavorably.
Writers are oftentimes overlooked for their part in making the entertainment industry go. Their job is not only the most underscored, in reality, it’s also the most important. Without the structure of story & the ability to create the images of a scene in the mind of the reader, a greenlight becomes a crapshoot. It’s also one of the most nerve wracking jobs since it asks writers to bring a complete story to life –as difficult as that is in itself –& offer it up to mostly non-writers to critique their work. But, when you get a script right… it’s a seamless thing of beauty.
When I think about my all-time fav films or shows, I find a handful of consistent themes: presentation, delivery & story structure. Now I agree that every element of a production weighs heavily in the final product, so my take may not be completely fair. But it does suggest that doing those things well sets a production in a good place to begin. & having struggled with, failed & succeeded at crafting scripts myself, I tip my hat to those who are able to get it done.
Writing is a supremely tough job. We’ve seen renowned scribes throughout history who’ve struggled & toiled over their work –From Homer to Moses to Shakespeare to Hemmingway to Twain to Mofolo to Dostoyevsky to Achebe –& so many more who’ve never let out or have been fortunate enough to get their work seen.
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Thankfully these guys were able to work out a deal. & I’m glad to know these uber-important (though oft-unheralded) heroes of the industry are getting improved wages & benefits for their troubles. But most importantly, I’m glad for the viewers who can continue to enjoy some of the best visual story telling in the world without disruption. For those who were around during the WGA strike in 07-08: remember some of the substitute shows we were subjected to? Yeaaah. Three months of that should have been enough to establish context for the uninformed of the time.
Now I’m all for giving new people the chance to get the spotlight (which is the opportunity a strike presents). It’s often one of only a few ways to discover new talent or hear new stories & ideas. Especially in this crazy business. & a few scribes were fortunate enough to make their way into the industry & find sustainability after as well. Persistence is key. So keep at it, storytellers. We need you & want to see you succeed!
A toast to the writers, directors, actors & the viewers. You all get to celebrate this win.
Now for the Sag/Aftra negotiations!