Un-building Can’t Do It

It’s not shocking. Nor revelatory. In fact, It’s been going on for decades, since the very inception of the medium.

Colorism –one of the many new ‘isms’ in our world, but that’s different topic –in all it’s variations has morphed throughout the years, so it stands to reason it will remain as long as the Hollywood movie-making system remains in place as-is.

It’s unfair & short-sighted & sometimes insidious. We know this. So instead of lamenting on it further or pitch the typical takes on how to combat it (most of which are completely sensible), why not focus on circumventing it?

Significant change is slow. Not simply because of resistance from those who benefit from the system, because the very machine that drives the thing we want to change was never built to change itself. It can’t partake in that change because it was only designed to do things as it was constructed & intended.

That’s not to say change isn’t possible. Instead, if you want to see change happen more expediently, it’s probably best to focus on collaborating with those who share the same vision, then build a different machine first. Honest competition & choice is usually the cure for what the underrepresented need.

It’s hard to convert a wheat field into a pumpkin patch. Why waste such energy when it would be more prudent to start on fresh terrain?


Posted in art, Black, film, The Biz, The black experience, the game, TV and tagged , , , .

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