Risk & repetition. A choice between two things we need to excel, to achieve, to find joy in life. How ironic, yet appropriate that they are diametrically opposed concepts.
With risk, we seek out & do the thing not done before. We are trying to break a pattern both averse & non-conforming to it. It makes us uncomfortable for this reason.
Through repetition, we work to dismantle risk. We practice purposefully –be it conscious or unconscious –to find familiarity in the chosen act, to improve the skills needed to execute it.
Like all things in the universe, duality is an irrefutable paradox. Nothing is without it’s equal opposite. Since duality exercised reasonably results in balance, it starts to make sense. The ying & the yang, day & night, cause & effect… all duality, all creating balance.
Repetition & risk then, are not exempt from, nor in contempt of each other. Repetition starts with risk, no matter how minimal or treacherous. In the simplicity of failing at a new undertaking, be it clay molding or baby’s first step, the mambo or a facet of a new job. But also the perils of scaling a cliffside, hitting the half pipe, snorkeling new depths & the like.
Risk comes from confidence in repetitions already mastered, making a new idea or approach even possible. The molded clay will eventually lead to the masterful sculpture. The baby’s first step will in short time become a run. Your new job may result in a promotion. All started with the choice to dare. Challenge. Risk.
The key is to find risk in each day. To be conscious, to push, to aspire, to want!
Risk doesn’t have to be dangerous. It just has to make you aware & make you choose. Repeating that risk is where we begin to grow, learn, improve & live.
This too is the writer’s & an actor’s work. Thank you all for inspiring through your choices of creative risks & repetitions that give us all a glimpse of what life is… & can be.