It Takes One

Justice for George Floyd

#justiceforgeorgefloyd I do not own this image, no copyright infringement is intended

It takes one

One life began long ago is suddenly lost

It takes one

One to understand the frailty of life, to know how short is the time

It takes one

One moment to know love, one moment to know grief

One moment to understand their separation is brief

It takes one

It takes one moment to see what’s happening is no accident

It’s purposeful, malevolent, decreed and accepted

It takes one to forgive, But that was so long ago

Since then there’s been thousands, and the number still grows

Day after day

Year over year

So if it takes one, then why can’t they see?

Why no change, no remorse, no empathy?

Because it’s all just a game and the rules are a farce

Designed to oppress, use and break us

A system’s in place not meant for the likes of me

If that oppression means more deaths, then that’s what it will be

They can see just fine

It’s time to understand it won’t change from the inside

We’re way past just one

And it’s way past time


In loving memory of George Floyd, Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tyisha Miller, Renisha McBride, Kathryn Johnston, Korryn Gaines and the hundreds others killed in the act of being black in America.

Black men recently killed by police

I do not own this image, no copyright infringement is intended

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