News for Whom?

I want to share the most important step to keeping your sanity. Skip the news. It’s been critical for me. Especially during the past 17 months. The  information circus provides a service that’s just not what it used to be nor does it consistently remain true to the fundamentals of journalism.

But everyone already knows that, right?

Fact is, the news cycle of our world has just become another form of entertainment. But while a good movie or TV series may be “based on true events” that leave you wondering which parts are real and which weren’t, the difference is the free press historically divorced itself from sensationalism to provide verifiable, fact-based information. It was a duty. Its position in society made it so powerful in it’s early stages of the modern world that it became known as The Fourth (& later) Fifth Estate after the Clergy (God), Nobles (the Church) & the peasantry.

That’s why it’s become so dangerous.

Of course, this isn’t a sudden phenomena. The media has often been made to serve the agenda of  tyrannical bureaucracies, governments, even dictators throughout history. What we’re witnessing today is more frightening because the free press is now primarily controlled at the behest of corporations whose keen interest is in sales which means viewership/readership by whatever means necessary.

Unfortunately, billions still watch the news religiously. Most still trust what they see because, well, it’s the news! TV can be addictive as proven by the celebration of binge watching. So with the “evolution” of news networks, we get to binge watch 24-7 updates, endless scrolling tickers and the latest headlines on  a 20-minute cycle all intended to create sensationalism, fear-mongering, misinformation & slanted narratives.

But yet, we watch.


Everything changes. Evolution is inevitable. When it comes to the ideals of a free-market system where companies try to provide a service or product to consumers, it’s usually for a better customer experience.

But sometimes it’s not.

This feels like one of those sometimes.

Posted in Uncategorized.

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