The Princess & the Script

2016 was a tough year for deaths of high-profile talents in the entertainment world. Moreso than any I can recall previously. Just after Christmas, Carrie Fisher departed from us too. Recognized by most as Princess Leia in the Star Wars saga, Ms. Fisher was so much more than that to the industry & to people everywhere. In the dirge of stories that came out following her demise, I came upon a great article in about some of the many things she did and was to others & the industry. Particularly, her work as a writer.

See, Carrie Fisher was a script doctor –the one producers & studios would take their screenplays to when they felt they had a good idea or story on their hands, but knew there was something about it that needed tweaking. Be it character details or structure, narrative or story arcs. Although the credited writers of many of the films are rarely these specialists, their role in creating such stories is critical to their getting made nonetheless.

Screenwriting is already a tough business to break into, becoming a script consultant is even tougher with the approach that has become most prevalent in the industry where, instead of simply hiring a consultant based on the merits of their previous work, execs now want you to submit your ideas for the project in advance so they can pick & choose what they like before ever having to commit to a writer. Oh, & it also makes it easier for a submitting writer’s idea to simply be taken & incorporated it into the script that will now be drafted by someone else they’ve selected who’s not you.

Carrie was an honest voice in Hollywood about Hollywood. Her works & words about in front of & behind the camera speak for themselves. Another legacy immortalized for us to reflect on & admire. Rest in peace, Carrie. & Thank you!

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