The Best Way out of Quarantine

I encountered this meme a few weeks back, just after the pandemic quarantine began here in North America. At that point, I was already looking forward to getting to work on some outstanding to-dos & reinventing parts of my routine before coming across these words so for me, it was inspiring. A helpful reaffirmation.

Despite the judgmental implication some may infer from it, I took the meme as a strong, purposeful message. After all, if I was going to be isolated for a conceivably extended period, then some progressive things should come out of it for me. Sure, there’d be some (several?) unproductive days & stretches where I too would do nothing significant, but for the most part, creative work, altered routines & some new learnings or hobbies were needed as much as the inevitable downtime.

Not surprisingly, some didn’t share my viewpoint as the post stirred up quite a flurry online…

Before encountering the online fireworks the initial post caused, I ran across the rebuttal yesterday & found myself moved by its truth.

Safe to say we’ve all probably had a couple of days like this by now. God knows I have.

The way I see it, both messages are true. The difference is one speaks of the struggle we’re all enduring on some level during these times while the other is an ideal. An aspiration. A goal to help keep us moving since forward is the only way available to us in this life.

It’s not worth feeling judged or offended by the message. Each of our renditions of ‘accomplishment’ is different. Getting through a day is sometimes enough by itself.

Just keep one eye on the original message while taking things day-by-day & be kind to yourself on the days you just can’t get yourself going. Besides, being at your best can’t –& shouldn’t –happen every day. If it did, we’d have nowhere to go!

If the goal is toward better –to be better, do better –you have to know what it feels or looks like to want better. Neither the good nor the bad lasts forever in any situation.

It’s a reminder that every day presents a new opportunity. The choice is to ignore it, do the usual, or try something different.

We always have an option.

Posted in Life Happens, Survival and tagged , , , , , , .

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