Fake Ones

So President Trump continues to call out journalists and media outlets he feels are reporting on his administration incorrectly. The seeming aghast conveyed against the dramas & perceived missteps flowing from the White House is creating a dynamic of distrust for all sides. I mean, how can you tell who’s being real & who is pushing an agenda? Obviously, someone here is being honest –or at least more honest than the other.

Hey, it’s not like this is a new thing. “Fake news” as it has now been branded has been around since the dawn of man. All the concepts & ideas surrounding trustworthy leadership, pure intentions & honest expression are often not laden in truisms, but in interpretations. Observations. Presentation. Patterns of behavior. Oh, & gullibility.

The nature of humanity which ultimately separates us from every other living entity in the known world is thought. Humanity does not act on instinct alone as do the birds, the insects, reptiles, fish & mammals that surround us. The type of intellect those animals have is not overridden by the mind’s activity. They simply react & do what they are intended to do. Not really how humankind works. Ideally, at least. Be it best intentions or deliberate deceit, keeping up appearances or altruistic transparency, we all consider our words, objectives & desires when dealing with others. The result is often not really completely the absolute truth…

Over the course of time, as we’ve become more ‘evolved’ & as the world has gotten bigger (or smaller, depending on your viewpoint), it’s become even more imperative to interact in such a fashion to keep things moving & get to our objectives. It’s only now becoming a thing in the world of media & politics because Mr. Trump seeks to leverage things. Ever see Wag the Dog?

Politics hasn’t been a place of honesty for some time. & journalism has become a business of influence shifting away from its intended function of transparency. So fake news & disinformation is the order of the day. For those of us who want to get to the ‘truth’ –such as it is—we need to do what we can to search for it ourselves. Lifeskills 101 for those inquiring minds that want to better discern what’s true in our world & in life.

By the way, Deniro and Macy are awesome in this scene.

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