Spilt Wein

Well, I’d say that earth-bound falling fireball we are witnessing previously known as the life of Harvey Weinstein is still a long way from its exploding end. The disgraced long-time movie mogul is being ousted from the industry his company operated in as a paragon for

years. His actions, indisputably, expose a disgusting abuse of power. His preying upon talented women who were carving out –or hoping to carve out – careers in a business already too well known for being unfair to women is inexcusable. The part should always go to the right person for the role. Not the person who will bend to one’s perverted whims (assuming that ever occurred, of course). However, that’s just not the real world, in Hollywood or elsewhere oftentimes.

I do not own this image, no copyright infringement is intended.

Once the quieted voices started rising up in mass against him, it become bigger than Weinstein’s prominence as an industry behemoth could contain. As I write these words he is being eviscerated from the history of the industry. Removed from multiple membership groups & organizations for filmmakers worldwide, having previously bestowed honors revoked, & now having his company taken from him with its name being removed from everything it had been a part of before. I expect there

will be serious legal ramifications for him in the near future as well with reports of both the LAPD & NYPD investigating some of the claims made against him.

The ground is a long way down for Mr. Weinstein. But unlike the protagonists of the many films he produced, when this is finally done, I’m not sure he will have overcome his personal demons to find a new beginning.

So while it seems Hollywood –& the world –is intent on wiping out any record of Harvey Weinstein’s impact, influence or presence (because outside of his dirty deeds, his company made some really good projects happen) it should be of small consolation that the man will be immortalized another way: in gold-painted fiberglass on Hollywood Boulevard thanks to the artist, Plastic Jesus.

Kevin Spacey, Bill Cosby, Bryan Singer & the evolving list of others whose names are now being shouted for similar inappropriate & illegal behavior had better hope this doesn’t become the new norm for public condemnation. Or Mount Rushmore’s five won’t be able to compete.

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